Resources List contributes to the international efforts made towards the construction of the single information space for a better share of knowledge on renewable energy resource. Inter alia, contributes to the following major initiatives: hosts the application schema developed by the international community on solar resource knowledge. These schema helps to develop web services that are interoperable, i.e., that can be invoked by various portals.

JAXB GML binding XML schema

Available XSD Schema page related to Solar Radiation.

Web Service Tutorial How To tar file.

This archive incorporates a list of documents and source code in Java intented to illustrate how to build and deploy a Web Service using the W3C WSDL technology.
This tutorial has been part of deliverables in the framework of the European Research Project MESoR funded by the Sixth Framework Program of the European Commission.
It has been decided to provide it to a broader audience for the good of the community.