Energy Engineering Report 
Scope: In the framework of the GEOSS AIP-6, an Energy scenario has been proposed by a consortium of institutes leaded by MINES ParisTech and supported by the Global Atlas for Renewable Energy initiative coordinated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) based in Abu Dhabi. 

The Global Atlas for Renewable Energy is the outcome of an international effort involving 67 countries and more than 50 institutes and partners. It was initiated under the Clean Energy Ministerial and contributes to the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, initiated by the United Nations. This initiative was referenced as well as the European FP7 projects ENDORSE (ENergy DOwnstReam SErvices - Providing energy components for GMES; 2011-2013) under the AIP-5. 
Point of Contact Editor: Lionel Menard, MINES ParisTech 
Contributing Editors: Lionel Menard 
The final document (1.5MB)
The Video.